EurEau welcomes the Lithuanian association Vandens Jėga
EurEau welcomes the Lithuanian association Vandens Jėga
EurEau welcomes the Lithuanian association Vandens Jėga, bringing our membership to 37 members in 32 countries. The association of water management companies Vandens Jėga (eng. “Water power”) was established on June 20, 20221. Their members are the four biggest water management companies – UAB Vilniaus vandenys (Vilnius water management company), UAB Kauno vandenys (Kaunas water management company), AB Klaipėdos vanduo (Klaipėda water management company), and UAB Dzūkijos vandenys (Alytus water management company). These companies provide drinking water and waste water services.
Welcome Vandens Jéga!