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EurEau Reflects on 2023: Progress and Challenges in Safeguarding Europe’s Water Resources
Our 2023 Annual Report is published, highlighting a year of both significant progress and...
Member States call for strengthening Europe’s defences against droughts and floods
Europe urgently needs to combat the consequences of climate change 21 EU Member States have urged...
New study quantifies TFA concentrations in drinking water and mineral water samples
New study quantifies TFA concentrations in drinking water and mineral water samples TFA emissions must...
Norsk Vann
Norsk Vann - Norwegian Water
Norwegian Water (in Norwegian: Norsk Vann) is a national association representing Norway`s water industry. It acts on behalf of the members, which are mainly municipalities and companies owned by the municipalities. Norwegian Water in total represents 370 municipalities, with 95 % of the population. Norwegian Water also has affiliated members like consultants, producers, suppliers and educational and research institutions. The vision of Norwegian Water is: Clean Water - our future