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pdf EurEau Position Paper - Towards a Water Resilient Europe: Upholding the Human Right to water Popular

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EurEau Position Paper - Towards a Water Resilient Europe: Upholding the Human Right to water

Safe and secure water supplies are of critical importance for all people everywhere, to protect public health, mainstream resilience, and guarantee safety and the well-being of people and societies.

The promised European Water Resilience Strategy should set a clear direction for coordinated and coherent action by Member States, taking into account national and regional circumstances. In this regard, EurEau has identified three essential drivers that we believe should be included in the Water Resilience Strategy to ensure its effectiveness:

  • Improved water governance and monitoring for integrated and sustainable water resource management across all sectors.
  • Improved supply management to ensure sufficient resources.
  • Better demand management and promotion of water saving solutions where appropriate.

pdf EurEau Position on the Regulation Preventing Plastic Pellet Losses Popular

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EurEau Position on the Regulation Preventing Plastic Pellet Losses

EurEau welcomes and strongly supports the European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on preventing plastic pellet losses to reduce microplastic pollution, which will allow for a regulatory framework implementing control at source for a relevant part of microplastics unintentionally released to the environment, and it will contribute not only to protecting water resources but also to meeting the objectives of the European Green Deal, the Zero Pollution Action Plan, as well as the New Action Plan on The Circular Economy.

pdf EurEau Position on Dental Amalgam and the Mercury Regulation Popular

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EurEau Position on Dental Amalgam and the Mercury Regulation

EurEau welcomes and strongly supports the European Commission’s Proposal to amend the Mercury Regulation, banning the use, manufacture and export on dental amalgam from 2025, which will not only contribute to a long-term reduction of mercury in water bodies but also to the circular economy by allowing for a decrease of mercury in treated urban wastewater for reuse in agricultural irrigation and in sludge from wastewater treatment.

pdf EurEau Position Paper on Soil Monitoring Popular

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EurEau Position Paper on Soil Monitoring

While EurEau welcomes the Commission’s action to address the condition of soils, we regret the lower ambition shown by the proposed Directive on Soil Monitoring and Resilience compared to the abandoned project of a Soil Health Law. The monitoring rules laid down in the proposal are necessary but not sufficient. They should be accompanied by binding rules to protect and regenerate healthy soils. The Directive should incorporate stronger links with surface- and groundwater quality, as well as Circular Economy goals. Strong action for healthy soils is paramount for both drinking- and wastewater operators.

pdf EurEau Position on Leakage Reporting Popular

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EurEau Position on Leakage Reporting

EurEau supports the Drinking Water Directive’s (DWD) goal of reducing water leakage, but emphasises the need for reliable data to underpin this effort. As the first step towards leakage reduction plans will involve calculating a Union average leakage rate, Member States must include the same index in their reporting. This index should be based on volumetric units so that all drinking water operators can easily implement it within the DWD timeframe.

pdf EurEau position on the Detergents Regulation Popular

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EurEau position on the Detergents Regulation

The revision of this Regulation offers the possibility to adjust the requirements for detergents. In the view of drinking water and wastewater operators, the Commission’s proposal clearly lacks ambition and major environmental impacts are not sufficiently addressed.

The new Regulation should respond to the EU’s Zero Pollution ambition by strengthening the biodegradability requirements for all ingredients, including surfactants, avoiding the risk of microplastics generation, ensuring the safe use of microorganisms and reducing the release of phosphorous into the sewer network while strengthening phosphorous recycling.

pdf EurEau Position Paper on the Pharmaceuticals Legislative Package Popular

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EurEau Position Paper on the Pharmaceuticals Legislative Package

EurEau supports the Commission’s approach to promoting environmental protection coupled with access to medicines. While the proposal offers long-overdue advances in controlling pollution from pharmaceuticals at the source, it must go further in curbing excessive use of over-the-counter medicines, take into account risks posed by metabolites and transformation products, and provide further transparency for environmental risk assessments.

pdf EurEau Position Paper Gigabit Infrastructure Act Popular

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EurEau Position Paper Gigabit Infrastructure Act

On 23 February 2023, the European Commission presented its proposal for a Regulation for measures to reduce the cost of deploying gigabit electronic communications networks (gigabit infrastructure act, GIA). This proposal aims at facilitating the deployment of broadband infrastructure in line with the 2030 digital compass and the digital decade policy programme.

The expansion of high-performance networks for electronic communication is very important for the water sector. EurEau welcomes that drinking water infrastructure is exempt from the scope of the Regulation. The EU institutions should also take into account the special status of critical infrastructures when it comes to access to physical infrastructures and related data.

pdf EurEau Position Paper on Environmental Quality Standards Popular

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EurEau Position Paper on Environmental Quality Standards

Directive 2022/0344 amends the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and its two daughter directives, the Groundwater Directive (GWD) and the Environmental Quality Standards Directive (EQSD).

The proposal adds pesticides, pharmaceuticals and PFAS to the priority substances lists for surface water and groundwater, and sets more flexible procedures to update Environmental Quality Standards (EQS).

EurEau welcomes the enlargement of the EQS lists as a prerequisite to providing safe and affordable drinking water services to consumers and as an effective means of protecting the environment.

If EQS are exceeded, the EU and Member States are obliged to take action to curb the emissions. EurEau requests that, in line with Article 191.2 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), any exceedance of EQS should primarily trigger control-at-source measures.

pdf EurEau Position Paper on the Proposal for a Directive concerning UWWTD Popular

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EurEau Position Paper on the Proposal for a Directive concerning UWWTD

EurEau welcomes the European Commission’s Proposal for a Directive concerning urban wastewater treatment (recast) as its more ambitious objectives will align better with the overarching UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal while enhancing the governance of the wastewater sector and people’s access to sanitation. Reaching the new goals and requirements as set out in the Proposal will require mainstreaming control at source, significant investments and time.
The purpose of this position paper is to identify the key topics within the Proposal which EurEau members see as the agenda to take forward through the
amendments process, aiming at enabling an effective and efficient implementation and achievement of the Proposal’s objectives.

pdf Position Paper on the draft Industrial Emission Portal Regulation Popular

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Position Paper on the draft Industrial Emission Portal Regulation

EurEau supports major parts of the proposed Regulation, but calls for more clarity regarding ‘off-site transfer’ management. Easy access to data is paramount to facilitate the risk management of waste water operators.

Waste water treatment plants (WWTP) larger than 100,000 PE are covered by the Regulation as it was for the E-PRTR and the list of pollutants did not change. Some provisions are added regarding diffuse pollution, which is positive, but more details are needed in order for the Regulation to be correctly applied.

pdf Position Paper on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation Popular

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Position Paper on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation

We welcome the legislative proposal of the Regulation on the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products (SUR), enshrining the European Commission’s Zero Pollution ambition in pesticides policy to protect human health and the environment. 

This legislative proposal heralds good news for water operators: water suppliers need water resources that are protected from pollution so that tap water remains safe and affordable, and the right to water is not jeopardised.

While the legislative proposal represents a major step in the right direction, we urge the European Parliament and the Council of the EU to embrace the change and support a European food system that protects water resources.

We regret, however, that Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 on placing pesticides on the EU market will not be revised, since this legislation is key to restricting harmful pesticides. It must be ensured that only those substances that have no detrimental effects on human health, the environment, and more specifically, drinking water production, are allowed for use. This is not the case today. Furthermore, more attention should be paid to the possible combination effects of substances and regrettable substitutions of substances.

pdf Position Paper on the Industrial Emission Directive Popular

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Position Paper on the Industrial Emission Directive

The proposed text meets most of the water service providers’ expectations by correcting some drawbacks of the current directive regarding the protection of water bodies. EurEau supports the general philosophy, aligned with the zero-pollution ambition, to control industrial pollution at the source. Overall, we find the Commission’s proposal goes in a very positive direction and we look forward to working with the EU institutions to make the IED an effective and robust force in protecting the environment, human health, water resources and water services’ workers.

Image Position paper on PFAS in the urban water cycle - Dec 2021 update Popular

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Position paper on PFAS in the urban water cycle - Dec 2021 update

Removing PFAS from the urban water cycle causes a wide range of problems for water service providers. While technologies exist to remove most PFAS, they are unsustainable, mainly due to their technical complexity, resource intensity (water, energy, treatment chemicals etc.) and the generation of PFAS-containing residues. Reliance on end-of-pipe solutions creates a substantial stumbling block on the water sector’s journey towards climate neutrality. Any emissions of chemicals belonging to this group into the environment need to be avoided, using the Precautionary Principle and the Control-at-Source Principle. This can be best achieved by an EU-level ban of all PFAS uses.

pdf Position paper on the Renewable Energy Directive Popular

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Position paper on the Renewable Energy Directive

Although the Renewable Energy Directive (RED III) does not specifically address the water sector, the water cycle has renewable energy generation potential, i.e.: the generation of electricity from hydraulic turbines, biogas from sewage sludge, electricity and thermal energy from sewage sludge mono-incineration, electricity from on-site windmills and solar panels, heat pumps and thermal energy from waste water at several stages of the water cycle. Hence, the water sector substantially contributes to the renewable energy targets and climate policies.

pdf Position paper on the Energy Efficiency Directive Popular

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Position paper on the Energy Efficiency Directive

EurEau supports the general objective of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) which is to promote energy efficiency next to using renewable energies with the overall goal to achieve energy and climate neutrality. The EED and the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) must accompany and support this process, taking into account the GHG emissions as the main indicator.

pdf Position paper on Industrial waste water discharges into sewers Popular

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Position paper on Industrial waste water discharges into sewers

Waste water treatment plants (WWTP) remove pollutants from domestic waste water through mechanical and chemical processes and the biological activity of the biomass contained in the reactors. Chemicals coming from industrial waste water discharges into sewers can pose threats to waste water treatment, human health and the environment.

Therefore, controlling hazardous industrial discharges into sewers is an essential measure for protecting the environment, for the effective and sustainable operation of WWTPs, and to allow operators to comply with the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD). Any sustainable policy framework must start from the Precautionary Principle, the Control at Source Principle and the Polluter Pays Principle, according to Article 191.2 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

pdf Position paper on Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for pharmaceuticals Popular

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Position paper on Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for pharmaceuticals

EurEau supports the setting of Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for pharmaceuticals provided several pre-conditions are met to avoid that the water sector will be the first and/or only stakeholder to take the burden for ensuring compliance.

pdf Position paper enabling the circular potential of sewage sludge Popular

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Position paper enabling the circular potential of sewage sludge

Enabling the circular economy for waste water services requires the alignment of a set of directives regulating the sector. The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD), the Industrial Emission Directive (IED), the Waste Framework Directive (WFD) and the Sewage Sludge Directive (SSD) are key to the collection and treatment of urban waste water and subsequent treatment and re-use of urban waste water treatment sludge (UWWTS).

pdf Position paper on the consideration of small agglomerations in the UWWTD Popular

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Position paper on the consideration of small agglomerations in the UWWTD

Small agglomerations have been identified as a source of pollution in the evaluation of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD). Despite that small agglomerations need to be better defined in the UWWTD, this source of pollution needs to be robustly addressed for the protection of biodiversity, ecosystems and for the protection of drinking water resources.

EurEau would like to see more guidance on monitoring and control of small or even individual systems at EU level through a thorough assessment and planning for the registration and monitoring of individual sanitation systems included in River Basin Management Plans. These elements should also be easily accessible to the local drinking water operators so that they can include them in the risk assessment and risk management of the catchment area as required in the recently recast Drinking Water Directive.

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