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pdf Interview transcript - Gelsenwasser - Dr Claudia Castell-Exner Popular

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220502_Interview transparent Castell-Exner.pdf

pdf EurEau comments on the SAIO Trilogue Popular

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EurEau comments on the SAIO Trilogue.pdf

pdf Open letter from 79 organisations on the EU reform of pesticides statistics 25.02.2022 Popular

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Open letter 79 organisations on the EU reform of pesticides statistics 25.02.2022.pdf

pdf EauMEGA Youth Declaration 2021 Popular

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Youth Declaration.2021 EN.pdf

EauMEGA Youth Declaration 2021

The EauMega Youth Declaration for the EauMega Conference is agreed by the EauMega Youth Steering Committee and revised by different youth networks and organizations related to water management from all across the world. The objective is to establish a commitment to taking practical measures to improve water management in megacities and call upon other young people to do the same.

The declaration calls everyone to stand up and participate in local and national actions to achieve better water management and urges adults to do more. The declaration also calls for more political will at the national and community levels to tackle the water-related challenges in megacities.

It urges not only the public in general but all stakeholders to take action and give also worth to the actions of youth and vulnerable groups and communities when facing all impacts that global change brings in terms of water management. It highlights measures to be implemented and a shift of paradigm.

pdf The new Drinking Water Directive - EN Popular

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The new Drinking Water Directive - CC - EN.pdf

pdf The new Drinking Water Directive - DE Popular

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The new Drinking Water Directive - CC - DE.pdf

pdf The new Drinking Water Directive - SL Popular

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Zbornik_10_konferenca komunalnega gospodarstva_LO.pdf

pdf Die Haupthürde für die Stärkung des Vorsorge- und Verursacherprinzips ist der konsequente Vollzug Popular

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pdf Der Null-Schadstoff-Aktionsplan der EU kann einen Quantensprung für den Gewässerschutz in Deutschland bedeuten! Popular

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pdf Energie review - Claudia Castell-Exner - interview zero pollution Popular

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ewp2021-august_Interview_zero pollution.pdf

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