Published on 02 August 2018 In Position papers 4052 downloads
EurEau supports the proposal of the European Commission to reduce the environmental impact of single-use plastics (SUP). Producers must be held economically responsible for the substantial economic damage wet wipes cause to the waste water infrastructure.
Published on 26 March 2018 In Position papers 3072 downloads
EurEau welcomes and supports the EU Strategy on Plastics. EurEau also fully supports REACH restrictions regarding microplastics in personal care and cosmetic products and detergents.
The water services sector is particularly concerned about microplastics emissions in the (aquatic) environment. Microplastics are a challenge for waste water operators, whose mission is to treat waste water to ensure the protection of the environment and ecosystems, and for drinking water operators, who have to rely on drinking water resources to produce drinking water. EurEau advocates for the polluter pays principle and control at source measures as well as extended producer responsibility to tackle this issue.
Published on 18 January 2017 In Position papers Tagged in Position papers 3410 downloads
The Fertiliser Regulation opens the door to using recovered phosphorus from sewage sludge in fertiliser products. Including treated input materials from waste water treatment plants as a component in fertilisers promotes recycling and is better for the environment.
Published on 13 June 2016 In Position papers Tagged in Position papers 4435 downloads
Banning amalgam will help sludge from waste water treatment meet the quality standards to be reused in fertilisers, improving the environment.
Published on 08 May 2015 In Position papers Tagged in Position papers 2635 downloads
Microplastics can enter the water cycle in many ways and are not entirely biodegradable. They can accumulate and could pose a threat to our water resources and ecosystems. Control at source is essential for microplastics to prevent them from entering the environment. We need extended producer responsibility. Additional treatment steps exist which will lead to increased tariffs for consumers.
Published on 24 October 2014 In Position papers Tagged in Position papers 5334 downloads
Increased treatment to provide consumers with clean water means increased consumer costs.
Published on 24 October 2014 In Position papers Tagged in Position papers 3857 downloads
Phosphorus is a scarce yet vital resource. Recycling phosphorus from sewage sludge in fertiliser products promotes recycling and is better for the environment.
Published on 05 November 2013 In Position papers Tagged in Position papers 1968 downloads
Banning mercury will help sludge from waste water treatment meet the quality standards to be reused in fertilisers, improving the environment.
Published on 03 June 2013 In Position papers Tagged in Position papers 1952 downloads
Plastics can enter the water cycle in many ways and are not entirely biodegradable. They can accumulate and could pose a threat to our water resources and ecosystems. Plastics need to be prevented from entering the environment in the first place. We need extended producer responsibility. Additional treatment steps exist which will lead to increased tariffs for consumers.
Published on 18 January 2012 In Position papers Tagged in Position papers 2237 downloads
The efficient use of water means reduced costs for consumers and better environments for us all – today and tomorrow.
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