Published on 29 February 2024 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 354 downloads
EurEau input to COM public consultation on Textile Labelling Regulation.pdf
This consultation relates to textile and related products, meaning leather products, apparel and clothingÂÂ accessories (even if made of other materials, such as leather or fur) as well as textile, leather and/or furÂÂ interior/household products, except for footwear products (which are governed by Directive 94/11/EC andthe review of which is not currently planned).
Published on 21 September 2023 Modified on 21 September 2023 By Zzam Agency In Consultations 490 downloads
Public consultation on the PPP_EurEau contribution.pdf
The polluter pays principle (PPP) should be implemented in EU environmental policies, as set out in Article 191(2) of the Consolidated Version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union EUR-Lex - 12008E191 - EN (
Published on 21 September 2023 Modified on 21 September 2023 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 369 downloads
Public consultation on the PPP_EurEau input_Additonal reading.pdf
Additional information is here
Published on 18 September 2023 Modified on 18 October 2023 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1075 downloads
EurEau accompanying document to public consultation on UPFAS (fin).pdf
Numerous point sources (production sites, landfill sites, fire drill sites etc.) and diffuse pollution (households, air deposition) have led to a quasi-ubiquitous presence of PFASs in surface water and groundwater bodies. We may also find them in drinking water above European or national regulatory thresholds applicable now or in the near future.
Published on 28 November 2022 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 649 downloads
Critical raw materials act - Public consultation - EurEau reaction.pdf
Critical raw materials are key to the green and digital transitions as well as to other EU priorities such as EU resilience and security. They are essential components of green technologies, are used in digital applications, and are crucial to the defence, aerospace and health industries. To secure a sustainable supply, the European Commission has had in place a dedicated strategy since 2008 and put forward an action plan in the 2020 Communication on Critical Raw Materials. Although the action plan is on track, the current context of growing global demand and increasing geopolitical instability creates the need for increased efforts.
Published on 27 October 2022 By Anonymous In Consultations 610 downloads
EurEau comments EFSA-ECHA Guidance_final.pdf
EurEau welcomes this Guidance document on the impact of water treatment processes on residues of active substances, enshrining the European Commission's efforts to protect human health and the environment. The document outlines which environmental water residues have to be assessed, the identification of water treatment transformation products that are formed, and how to complete a risk assessment that includes the consumption of treated drinking water.
Published on 25 October 2022 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 597 downloads
Public consultation on the Soil health directive - EurEau response_final.pdf
The EU Soil Strategy for 2030 ‘Reaping the benefits of healthy soils for people, food, nature and climate’ envisages that all soils in the EU should be in a healthy condition by 2050 and that the protection, sustainable use and restoration of soil should become the norm. The Strategy announces that the Commission will table a new legislative proposal on soil health to ensure the same level of protection to soil that exists for water, the marine environment and air in the EU. Such a legislative initiative will be based on an impact assessment, including a subsidiarity check, and fully respect the better regulation requirements and the competences of Member States.
Published on 20 October 2022 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 447 downloads
EurEau welcomes the introduction of new hazard classes in the CLP regulation (ED, PBT, vPvB, PMT and vPvM). The criteria for Mobility does not follow the UBA scientific opinion and we ask for more ambitious criteria on Mobility.
The CLP Regulation ensures that the hazards presented by chemicals are clearly communicated to workers and consumers in the European Union through classification and labelling of chemicals.
Published on 03 October 2022 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 717 downloads
The purpose of this survey is to collect proposals to adapt the annexes of the Fertilising ProductsThe purpose of this survey is to collect proposals to adapt the annexes of the Fertilising ProductsRegulation (EU) 2019/1009 (‘FPR’) to technical progress. In accordance with Article 42 FPR, the Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts.
You can read our table on the potential future of the CMC pdf here (157 KB) .
Published on 29 August 2022 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 716 downloads
Consultation_ Nutrients Action plan for better management - EurEau reaction.pdf
Nutrients are chemical compounds that are essential for life. The most common nutrients include nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Nutrients are found in soil, air and water, in agricultural fertilisers, in the food we consume and throw away as well as the sewage we produce. Human activities have significantly altered the natural processes which continuously cycle nitrogen and phosphorous in various (chemical) forms between different compartments of the environment. We consequently observe nutrient pollution that significantly affects public health, climate and the environment and at levels that exceed safe planetary boundaries. Nutrient pollution also has important economic consequences and puts at risk the sustainability of agriculture and fisheries in the EU.
Published on 05 August 2022 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 691 downloads
ELD public consultation - EurEau response.pdf
The Environmental Liability Directive (ELD) established a framework of environmental liability based on the ‘polluter pays’ principle, to prevent and remedy damage to land, water (surface, ground, transitional, coastal and marine waters), and biodiversity (species and natural habitats protected by the Birds and Habitats Directives).
Making operators financially liable for preventing and remedying environmental damage is intended to induce them to develop practices that minimise the risk that their activities will cause such damage.
In 2016, the European Commission published the first evaluation of the ELD. The Commission is now carrying out the second such evaluation. The evaluation will examine the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added-value of the ELD.
Published on 22 July 2022 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 616 downloads
Contribution-EurEau reaction to the public consultation on Sustainable food system – setting up an EU framework.pdf
In the context of the ‘‘European Green Deal”, the European Commission adopted a comprehensive Farm to Fork Strategy[1], which recognises the inextricable links between healthy people, healthy societies and a healthy planet and aims to address comprehensively the challenges of sustainable food systems.
Published on 24 June 2022 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1322 downloads
Public statement - Call for a European commitment to better utilise resources and energy from waste water.pdf
The current geopolitical situation and the objective to transition to a climate-neutral society by 2050, make it urgent to reuse the renewable and continuous supply of resources and energy which pass through our waste water systems. Waste water contains many valuable resources, most notably nutrients for fertilisers (nitrogen and phosphorus), water and energy. These valuable resources can be recovered and reused, making a significant contribution to the circular economy.
Published on 17 June 2022 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 813 downloads
EurEau reaction on the EU Textile strategy (fin).pdf
A robust EU Strategy can put in place legislation that will protect our water resources
Published on 03 May 2022 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 2037 downloads
Published on 22 April 2022 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1283 downloads
2022.14.04 EurEau answer Mercury Regulation Public consultation submitted.pdf
Published on 14 April 2022 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1148 downloads
EurEau_REACH_Public consultation_Final.pdf
Published on 08 March 2022 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1063 downloads
EurEau reaction to the COM consultation on bio(degradable) plastics.pdf
Published on 17 December 2021 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1014 downloads
2021.12.03 EurEau final answer on Pharma legislation revision.pdf
Published on 19 October 2021 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1075 downloads
Contribution to the Public consultation on the Marine Strategy.pdf
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