Published on 27 July 2021 Modified on 27 July 2021 By Zzam Agency In Consultations 1158 downloads
Complementary comment for the Public Consultation on the revision of the UWWTD.pdf
Published on 26 July 2021 Modified on 27 July 2021 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1288 downloads
EurEau Answer PC UWWTD Revision2.pdf
Published on 26 July 2021 Modified on 27 July 2021 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 951 downloads
In line with article 191.2 of the TFEU, any sustainable chemicals strategy must start from control-at-source measures and apply the Precautionary Principle.
Published on 26 July 2021 Modified on 27 July 2021 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 999 downloads
EurEau expectations in UWWTD revision process_public statement.pdf
European waste water service providers see the revision of the 1991 Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) as an opportunity to develop an ambitious, innovative, supportive and straight-forward new policy framework enabling operators to meet the Green Deal goals and make waste water collection, treatment and management fit for the decades to come.
Published on 31 May 2021 Modified on 27 July 2021 By Anonymous In Consultations 1093 downloads
20210531_Final EurEau feedback on CLP Revision IIA roadmap (1).pdf
Published on 31 May 2021 Modified on 27 July 2021 By Anonymous In Consultations 1267 downloads
20210531_EurEau feedback_Gas Market_EUSurvey.pdf
This consultation aims to collect views and suggestions from stakeholders and citizens related to a possible proposal for a revision of the Gas Directive (2009/73/EC) and Gas Regulation ((EC) No 715/2009). This review is planned for Q4 2021.
Published on 30 May 2021 Modified on 27 July 2021 By Anonymous In Consultations 1222 downloads
20210530_Final EurEau feedback on REACH Revision IIA roadmap (3).pdf
Published on 26 April 2021 Modified on 30 April 2021 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 3472 downloads
EurEau expectations in UWWTD revision process_public statement_(final)CG.pdf
New objectives to be delivered must consider the affordability of water services. This includes the long life-cycle of waste water collection and treatment assets and their inherent inflexibility for adaptation or upgrading.
The aim of this paper is to set our general expectations and point at areas to be covered by the impact assessment. Detailed positions or notes on specific topics will be delivered in due course.
Published on 21 April 2021 Modified on 21 April 2021 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1918 downloads
EurEau SUD revision recommendations.pdf
The Farm2Fork (F2F) Strategy announced the evaluation of Directive 2009/128/EC establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the Sustainable Use of Pesticides - SUD.
The principles enshrined in article 191.2 of the TFEU, namely the precautionary principle, the principles that preventive actions should be taken and that the environmental damage should, as a priority, be rectified at the source, as well as the polluter-pays principle, must guide not only the EU environmental policy but all the Strategies of the Green Deal.
Published on 08 April 2021 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 379 downloads
EurEau answer public consultation SUD.pdf
Published on 02 March 2021 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1375 downloads
ZPAP - EurEau answer to the public consultation.pdf
Pollution of air, water and soil is also one of the five main drivers of biodiversity loss and contributes largely to the current 6th species extinction. It comes at a high price for society and ecosystems, including healthrelated costs (healthcare, lost workdays, lost productivity), reduced yields (e.g. in agriculture, fisheries and tourism), remediation costs (e.g. water treatment, soil decontamination, marine depollution) and loss of ecosystem services (e.g. pollination). Pollution is also strongly interrelated with other environmental, social and economic risks for businesses and citizens.
Published on 02 March 2021 Modified on 02 March 2021 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1774 downloads
Response to the Consultation on Sewage Sludge Directive.pdf
Published on 08 February 2021 Modified on 08 February 2021 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1195 downloads
EurEau reaction to RED public consultation (fin).pdf
This consultation aims to collect views and suggestions from stakeholders and citizens in view of the possible proposal for a revision of Directive 2018/2001/EU on the promotion of the use of renewable energy (RED II), planned for 2021.
Published on 08 February 2021 Modified on 08 February 2021 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1274 downloads
EurEau response to EED public consultation (fin).pdf
This consultation aims to collect views and suggestions from stakeholders and citizens on the review andThis consultation aims to collect views and suggestions from stakeholders and citizens on the review and the revision of Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency (Energy Efficiency Directive or EED), as partially amended in 2018 (Directive (EU) 2018/2002), foreseen by June 2021.
Published on 27 November 2020 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1221 downloads
EU restoration targets.pdf
Drinking water and waste water services have an essential mission: the protection of human health and the environment, so EurEau welcomes the opportunity to share its views on the inception impact assessment of the EU restoration targets.
Published on 21 October 2020 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1022 downloads
Contribution to the PC on the impact of CAP on water, biodiversity and soil.pdf
This public consultation aims to gather information and feedback from stakeholders and the wider public in. This public consultation aims to gather information and feedback from stakeholders and the wider public in relation to the impact of the CAP on biodiversity, soil and water. It contributes to an upcoming Commission staff working document on the evaluation of the impact of the CAP with respect to natural resources.
Published on 19 October 2020 Modified on 19 October 2020 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1223 downloads
EurEau feedback to the roadmap on the INSPIRE Directive.pdf
The INSPIRE directive (annex III) specifically includes “utility facilities such as sewage … and water supply” in its scope.
While EurEau supports efforts to increase the access of environmentally relevant spatial data to the public, EU-legislation must ensure the protection of critical infrastructures / essential services to prevent malicious acts and protect people’s health and the environment.
Published on 07 October 2020 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1659 downloads
As our daily lives and economies become increasingly dependent on digital technologies and internetbasedAs our daily lives and economies become increasingly dependent on digital technologies and internet-based services and products, we become more vulnerable and exposed to cyber-attacks. This impacts the water sector too. Maintaining a high level of cybersecurity across the European Union has become essential to keep the economy running and to ensure prosperity.
Published on 16 September 2020 Modified on 23 September 2020 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1095 downloads
EurEau feed-back on RED IIA (fin).pdf
We support the EU’s Green Deal, including its climate ambitions and Strategies.
We call for full coherence between the RED, other energy legislation (EED), and sectoral legislation (Drinking Water Directive, Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive). We call for full coherence between the RED, other energy legislation (EED), and sectoral legislation (DW Directive, Urban WW Treatment Directive).
Meeting society’s demand for safe water services may involve energy-intensive processes making energy one of the sector’s highest operational cost factors. Optimising energy use has therefore been a top priority for many years. The sector will step up efforts further with the ambition to reduce its GHG emissions in line with EU objectives.
Published on 16 September 2020 By Caroline Greene In Consultations 1091 downloads
EurEau feed-back on EED IIA (fin).pdf
We support the EU’s Green Deal, including its climate targets and Strategies.
We call for full coherence between the EED, other energy legislation (RED), and sectoral legislation (Drinking Water Directive - DWD, Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive - UWWTD). We support the EU’s Green Deal, including its climate targets and Strategies. We call for full coherence between the EED, other energy legislation (RED), and sectoral legislation (DWD, UWWTD).
Meeting society’s demand for safe water services may involve energy-intensive processes making energy one of the sector’s highest operational cost factors. Optimising its use has therefore been a top priority for many years. Still, the energy efficiency potential is far from exhausted. The sector accepts the need to step up efforts further with the ambition to reduce its GHG emissions in line with EU objectives. However, if an energy-intensive treatment step is technically necessary (safety, regulatory compliance), it must prevail despite higher energy use.
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