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New European Soil Strategy adopted by the Commission

After the withdrawal of the European Soil Framwork Directive in 2014, the European Commission attempts at reviving the topic of soil health at European level. 

The new Strategy adopted today recognises the importance of healthy soils for healthy water resources since they are obviously interconnected: but if soils filter, absorb and buffer water, they can also get eroded and polluted.  

Healthy soils act like a sponge: this function is essential for water management since not only it favours cleaner water resources but they also decrease the risks of floods and drought.  

That is why it is fundamental to coordinate water and soil policies in order to achieve healthy soils and aquatic ecosystems through better soil and water management.

The Commission recognises that "there is a comprehensive body of EU water law in place, and the new EU strategy on adaptation to climate change highlights the importance of healthy soils in minimising climate change related risks, such as floods and droughts."

They will consider addressing the adequate integration and coordination of soil and water management, including in the impact assessment for a Soil Health Law. 



Water matters. EU matters. 

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